

International Gathering

Short Course

Arrival 03/08/2025

Departure 09/08/2025

Come join the International Gathering at Gerlev if you are interested in innovative and artistic ways of moving your body? Movement people from the four different genres; PARKOUR, MOVE, DANCE and BEACHVOLLEY get a unique chance to live, socialize and do some amazing training in a great community for one week this summer.

Afspil video

Get moving

The four movement styles have a lot in common and of course many differences. We promise a summer week full of great inspiration for everybody to grow and learn from great coaches and each other.

We have created a course that allows you to be super nerdy within your own preferred field (if you have one), but also to have the opportunity to explore the other fields under expert guidance.

In our Facebook event you can learn more about the four different movement styles and the teachers who will be joining.

International Gathering

Practice, laugh, eat, sleep - repeat!

Choose a main focus of the week that you follow in most classes: Parkour, Move Dance or Beachvolley. Every day you also choose a minimum of one other class, that all four groups can choose from, such as: “Parkour introduction”, “Floorwork for all”, “Aquatics” or “Happy feet – basic intro to Dance”, and much more.

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During the week

Throughout the week you are invited to inspiring and relevant lectures – both some specifically for your main subject and some for everyone. And last, but not least, you will participate in a wide range of social activities and the best of Danish ‘hygge’: games, performances, open swimming pool, sauna, beachvolley for all, freesbeegolf and much more.

International Gathering

Who can join

The only formal requirement is that you are at least 18 years old. But it is an active week with training every day, so even though beginners are welcome to join, it’s a good thing to be in fairly good shape. If you are able to do basic bodyweight exercises and have an open mind to learning and challenging yourself, you will do fine.

IG - Gerlev Idrætshøjskole

Where do I sleep

Rooms Depending on what you choose it’s either a single or double room sharing bath and toilet with other rooms.

Dorms This option is with a bunch of other nice people (men and women separate).

Tents or similar Bring a tent or hammock and we will find you a spot

International Gathering

What do I eat

At Gerlev you eat well. Healthy, inspiring and with all the senses. The kitchen is a priority, and the food you are served is not only healthy, but suits an active lifestyle and can be eaten with the eyes.

Included in the prices listed are all meals and snacks for the entire week. If you have special food-requirements, please let us know in the comments on your signup.

International Gathering

What is Gerlev Idrætshøjskole?

A.k.a. Gerlev Sports Academy
A højskole is originally a school for enlightenment of the people. The Sports Academy has over the years developed, working with different sports today, than it did in the early days. But still sports, arts and music are tools for personal development and active citizenship.

We have some nice facilities, perfect for dance, parkour, beachvolley and movement in general both indoor and outdoor.

Meet the teachers:

Louise Seloy Klok

Louise ser bevægelse som en fantastisk måde at udtrykke sig på. Helt uden ord kan dans føre os igennem stemninger og følelser og få os ned og mærke kroppen. Man kan næsten kun gå gladere ud i verden, efter man har danset.

Nikolaj Nilsson

Nikolaj elsker at eksperimentere med og fordybe sig i idræt og bevægelse. Glæden ved at udforske, reflektere og dygtiggøre sig i et trygt fællesskab er helt central i hans undervisning.

Practical information


3-in-1 room
4.175 DKK
4.975 DKK
5.950 DKK
3.550 DKK
3.450 DKK

Early Bird: Sign up before April 21th to get 10% off

3-in-1 room (early bird): 3.758 DKK
Doubleroom (early bird): 4.478 DKK
Singleroom (early bird): 5.355 DKK
Dorm (early bird): 3.195 DKK
Tent/camper (early bird): 3.105 DKK


03/08/2025 kl. 17:00
09/08/2025 kl. 10:00

ATTENTION! Especially for international students!

We strive to have an equal number of Danish and international participants. Therefore, we can only guarantee your spot when the Danish students have registered. Your place on the course is secured when the payment has been deducted from your account.


International Gathering