

International School of Gospel Music

Short Course

Arrival 10/08/2025

Departure 16/08/2025

International School of Gospel Music (ISGM) is for everybody who wants to spend a great week in an international environment and immerse themselves in the most life-affirming music there is. There will be all kinds of educational offers – from beginners to experienced gospel conductors, soloists, choirs, musicians, and music illiterate.

International Gospel - Gerlev Idrætshøjskole

Beginner or experienced?

The International School of Gospel Music (ISGM) offers a unique opportunity to spend one week together with top professional gospel singers, directors and musicians – and everybody can join!

At ISGM it doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an experienced gospel veteran – there will be workshops specifically aimed at you! ISGM features some of the most skilled teachers in their area of expertise.

Welcome to a week of great concerts, workshops and inspiration. Welcome to a week of conversation, teaching, training and fellowship.

International Gospel - Gerlev Idrætshøjskole

Lots to choose from

ISGM offers 22 different workshops, concerts, open mic nights, gospel church service and fun times all in english or in german. If you want to experience the international atmosphere ISGM is well suited for you.

This is a unique possibility to get new impulses and friendships across borders and cultural differences.

Gospel Kursus Gerlev Idrætshøjskole

We begin with singing

Each morning begins with a morning assembly, where we sing a song from the Danish Folk High School Songbook together, followed by a gospel song and listen to a presentation.

Later in the morning we all gather again in the large mass choir. The mass choir is led by Hans Christian Jochimsen together with 5 other skilled conductors.

The day is divided into three workshops. Here you choose – according to interest – the areas you want to immerse yourself in every day throughout the week. Your first workshop is in the morning.

Gospel Kursus Gerlev Idrætshøjskole

and end with singing

After a delicious lunch, you have your second and third workshops. In the workshops, you will experience some of the best teachers from Denmark and the rest of the world, who provide plenty of challenges for both beginners and experienced students.

The evenings offer a teachers’ concert, Gospel Church, open mic, international gospel night and party.

Schedule Gospel 2025

Your Schedule

Download the schedule here.

Meet the teachers:

Hans Christian Jochimsen

Frederik Ullerup

Frederik er brændende optaget af fællesskab, og det vi kan SAMMEN. 

Gerlev er et vigtigt sted for rigtig mange mennesker i Danmark med de dygtige lærere og den særlige stemning af leg og glæde. Men det er også vigtigt som et sted, hvor vi kan øve os på hvad og hvem vi er uden at skulle vurderes eller have karakterer. På Gerlev er vi en del af hinandens liv. På den måde bliver vi klogere både på os selv og det vi er fælles om.
Frederik har haft Gerlev under huden og i hjertet siden 1998, da han selv var elev. Her havde han fysisk teater og dans som hovedfag. Han underviser i debatfag og forskellige ketcherspil. Desuden elsker han at danse med på Gerlevs FLASH MOB.

Practical information


3 person room
5.200 DKK
3 person room (arrival saturday)
5.600 DKK
Double room
5.700 DKK
Double room (arrival saturday)
6.100 DKK
4.300 DKK
Dorm (arrival saturday)
4.700 DKK
4.200 DKK
Tent/camper (arrival saturday)
4.600 DKK
No accommodation
3.700 DKK


10/08/2025 kl. 13:00
16/08/2025 kl. 09:00


International School of Gospel Music